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@Priest Gyouki stopped by Ochouzu Waterfall and Shigeida Village again. Oshigefs father fulfilled his promise and put his request to Priest Gyouki, gFuku chan has changed. After his injury, he trained very hard and helped the villagers in the fields.
Please turn his nose back to its original shape. He deserves ith.

@Priest Gouki, impressed by Oshigefs fatherfs story, praised Fuku chan, gFuku chan, you have worked hard and fulfilled the promise we made long ago. For this I will turn your nose back to normalh. And with that Priest Gyouki screeched, gYeii!! Yaa!!h and Fuku chanfs nose shrunk back to normal.

@Fuku chan made a tiny speech to the Priest and villagers, gThank you for your kindness and instructionh. He stayed in the village for one more year, training and helping out, but he wanted to go home to prove to the villagers in his hometown how he had changed.

10th update day@June 24, 2006

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